27 Dec 20232 min read

Is Study Gap Acceptable In Canada? How Can You Glorify It?


From 2 to up to 5 years of study gap is acceptable in Canada depending upon the nature of the program that you are applying for.

Though this gap may be seen as a disadvantage in your profile, you can still cover it with the new experience you got, or the changes in your career plans, medical reasons, or even financial difficulty.

How Does Canada Handle Gap Years?

Although Canada does accept gap years, it really comes down to the number of gap years and the reasons behind it.

They even accept up to 5 years but only if you portray your sincerity in the application, timely documents, and with justifiable reason. Also, yes, students with gap years must indeed work much harder than students without gap years to get accepted.

Generally, Canada accepts up to 2 years of gap for undergraduates and diploma applicants while up to 5 years of gap for postgraduates.

Reasons For Your Study Gap

Work Commitment / Internship

Getting employed or committing to an internship program after a degree to gain professional experience is a valid reason for the study gap in Canada.

All the colleges and universities in Canada are open to it as long as you can provide them the proof with a payslip, offer letter, or letter of experience.

If you are someone with a long history of medical problems or if you unexpectedly encountered an illness or accident which makes you incapable of continuing your studies, then, it is a justifiable reason for your gap.

However, you will be required to provide medical documents to support your claim.

Family Issues

It is reasonable to take a study gap for a student if he/she has a challenging family issue such as the death of a family member. Canadian universities and colleges accept such personal matters and allow the students to take the gap until the matter is resolved.

But yet again, you must address this concern to the university/college and clarify it.

Financial Difficulties

Studying in a Canadian university/college requires preparation for a huge amount of funds. It is understandable that students may not be able to gather the amount in one go and may need a gap to arrange their finances.

In such cases, they must present a document for their financial proof and disclose the issue with genuine.

Test Preparation

You can have a gap year if you are preparing for a competitive exam and need some time to gain a high score. Additionally, you can also take a gap if it's your second attempt on the test.

Skill Enhancement

Apart from getting the degree, the gap is also acceptable if you are taking the time off to learn some new skills. It may include photography, designing, or any other short-term certificate courses.

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